Access Bars: A Path to Mental Clarity and Emotional Well-being

by Manon Ruivo

Categories:Access Bars

imagem de uma cabeca com luzes

Access Bars (or Access Consciousness Bars) have been gaining increasing popularity as a practice that promotes balance, mental clarity, and overall well-being. But what exactly are Access Bars? How can this technique impact your life and emotional state? In this text, we will explore, in approximately 1000 words, what Access Bars are, their origins, how they work, and how they can be a powerful tool to transform the way you live, feel, and see the world around you.

What are Access Bars?

Access Bars are part of a set of energetic tools and processes from Access Consciousness, a method created by Gary Douglas and developed in partnership with Dr. Dain Heer. The term "bars" refers to 32 energy points located around the head that, according to this approach, store beliefs, points of view, and judgments that we accumulate throughout life. These points relate to different areas, such as money, body, sexuality, communication, joy, creativity, and much more.

When these points are touched gently, it's as if we are disconnecting and releasing energy charges that may be limiting our choices and our ability to receive. The main purpose of Access Bars is to create more internal space so that we can experience greater clarity, creativity, and emotional freedom.

How did the method originate?

The creator of the method, Gary Douglas, began developing Access Consciousness in the 1990s in the United States, seeking a way to empower people to connect with their own consciousness, without depending on rigid dogmas or closed structures. Over time, Gary noticed the existence of these 32 points on the head that, when touched, produced almost immediate relief from tensions, negative thoughts, and feelings.

Later, Dr. Dain Heer, a chiropractor who experienced a profound transformation through Access Bars, became a co-creator of Access Consciousness. Together, they expanded the method globally, reaching thousands of people in different countries, including Brazil, where many people already benefit from this practice.

What can you feel during a session?

Each person experiences Access Bars in a unique way. While some report a sensation of deep relaxation, others may have the impression of "turning off" the mind and feeling a decrease in internal noise. Some people sleep during the session, and others access memories or insights about specific situations that were worrying them.

An important point is that Access Bars does not require mental effort to "try to solve" problems. On the contrary, the ideal is to simply allow yourself to receive, relax, and let the energy work in your favor, releasing blockages and bringing greater lightness.

What are the reported benefits?

The benefits associated with Access Bars vary greatly from person to person, but may include:

Reduction of stress and anxiety: Many people report feeling calmer and more able to deal with challenges after an Access Bars session.

Improved sleep quality: By promoting deep relaxation, the method can help reduce insomnia and provide more restorative nights of sleep.

More mental clarity: The release of limiting beliefs can result in greater focus and creativity, helping in making more assertive decisions.

Emotional balance: By touching points that work with emotions and memories, Access Bars can provide relief from accumulated emotions, favoring a sense of well-being.

Expansion of consciousness: Many people report a deeper connection with themselves, with greater openness to perceive new possibilities in life, whether professional or personal.

It is important to emphasize that each individual is unique and, therefore, may react differently. Not everyone feels the same effects, but, in most cases, there are reports of a greater sense of peace and disposition.

What are the reported benefits?

The benefits associated with Access Bars vary greatly from person to person, but may include:

Reduction of stress and anxiety: Many people report feeling calmer and more able to deal with challenges after an Access Bars session.

Improved sleep quality: By promoting deep relaxation, the method can help reduce insomnia and provide more restorative nights of sleep.

More mental clarity: The release of limiting beliefs can result in greater focus and creativity, helping in making more assertive decisions.

Emotional balance: By touching points that work with emotions and memories, Access Bars can provide relief from accumulated emotions, favoring a sense of well-being.

Expansion of consciousness: Many people report a deeper connection with themselves, with greater openness to perceive new possibilities in life, whether professional or personal.

It is important to emphasize that each individual is unique and, therefore, may react differently. Not everyone feels the same effects, but, in most cases, there are reports of a greater sense of peace and disposition.

What is a typical Access Bars session like?

An Access Bars session usually lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. The practitioner or facilitator asks the client to lie down on a massage table (or even in a comfortable armchair) and begins to lightly touch each of the 32 points on the head, following a specific sequence. During this time, the person can relax, close their eyes, or even talk if they wish.

The touch is gentle, and the idea is not to offer any type of friction or massage; just place the fingertips on the strategic points. Throughout the session, you may feel bodily sensations, such as tingling, chills, or warming in some areas, which generally indicates that energy is moving.

Access Bars and science

Although Access Bars does not yet have a large amount of widely reviewed scientific studies, some health professionals and independent researchers have shown interest in analyzing possible therapeutic effects. Modern neuroscience already recognizes the influence of touch, meditation, and other energetic approaches in reducing stress and balancing the nervous system.

Many personal reports describe significant changes in areas such as anxiety, mild depression, and even in the perception of chronic pain. Although more studies are needed to scientifically prove the effectiveness of Access Bars, the practice continues to gain followers and arouse interest in therapeutic and holistic communities.

Limiting beliefs and freedom of choice

One of the foundations of Access Consciousness is the belief that, as we release fixed points of view and judgments, we open space for new possibilities and choices. This means that when we receive an Access Bars session, we are detaching ourselves from old stories that prevent us from seeing different paths.

Often, we carry concepts and thoughts about ourselves and about the world that no longer serve us, but that, even so, continue to influence our actions and perceptions. Access Bars can function as a kind of "mental file cleaning," making the process of adopting new perspectives more fluid.

Who can benefit?

Anyone interested in feeling more relaxed, reducing stress, and expanding their consciousness can experience Access Bars. There are no restrictions on age or specific health conditions. Even children and the elderly can benefit, as long as they feel comfortable during the process.

The technique is also sought by those who are already on a path of self-knowledge, such as practitioners of yoga, meditation, or other holistic therapies. Professionals who live intense routines, such as entrepreneurs, executives, teachers, or health professionals, report improvements in mental clarity and the ability to make decisions more calmly.


Access Bars presents itself as a simple and gentle practice, but capable of catalyzing major internal transformations. By gently touching 32 points on the head, the method seeks to release blockages, beliefs, and judgments that prevent us from living with more joy, fluidity, and consciousness. Although more scientific research is still needed to support its effects, the wide range of positive reports indicates that Access Bars can be a valuable tool for those who want to seek emotional balance, mental clarity, and connection with themselves.

If you are feeling the call to learn about this technique, consider trying a session or, perhaps, even participating in a course to learn how to apply it. After all, the greatest discovery in this journey may be realizing that we have much more power of choice than we imagine, and that we can create a more expansive and harmonious reality from simple touches on our head.

May this text serve as an invitation to explore new possibilities for well-being, self-knowledge, and joy of living. Choosing Access Bars may be the first step towards a life with less stress, more inner freedom, and, above all, a broader awareness of who you are and what you are capable of achieving.conteudo en

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